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Virtual Events

We are still connecting you, even virtually

As your Chamber of Commerce, we know that many of you have had to change on a dime to offer different delivery methods or services to keep your business viable. And while we don’t hold a Magic 8 Ball for the year ahead, we do know that many of our new strategies for business will last into 2022 and beyond.

The Bossier Chamber plans to be responsive in this environment, hosting virtual events as needed. However, as we start 2022, we plan to host as many events in-person as possible.

Each month, we partner with BIZ Magazine to offer the 21st Century Business Forum webcast on the second Wednesday of every month.

virtual event

Up Next

NFL great and prolific businessman Drew Brees offers an exclusive look at his playbook for leadership and success in the January Business Forum

Former champion quarterback Drew Brees—now a studio analyst for NBC Sports and prolific businessman and investor—shares his insights about leadership and success in this episode of 21st Century Business Forum.

Check it out Wednesday, Jan. 12 at 11 a.m.

The 21st Century Business Forum debuted in 2021, featuring a lineup of successful top executives, experts, and global thought leaders to share ideas and insights as business executives, entrepreneurs, owners and managers navigate the new year ahead. It airs on the second Wednesday of each month, interviewing guests in a Q&A format.

The 21st Century Business Forum is presented by BIZ Magazine and the Bossier Chamber of Commerce. Registration is free; sign up at

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